Wednesday, May 23, 2012

They did it to me AGAIN!!!

Hello there:  I have a grievance to file this evening.   Ma Madam did it to me again.  

This is what happened.  I was minding my own business. Then I hear the familiar click and pop sound which I immediately associated with opening of a can of my wet food.

So I abandoned what I was doing and immediately dashed for Ma Madam figuring that she was preparing my meal for me.  

But what a let down - it was a can alright but not my wet food.  Ma Madam let me sniff the can again so I can be sure it has none of my food in it.  

What a disappointment.  But no worry, I bugged Ma Madam until she gave me some wet food even though I already had my feeding today.  She can't be popping cans if she has no plan to feed me!

And eating always makes me feel sleepy and so I have to go off to my nap after yet another delicious meal.

Ciao. Take care.

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